Youthreach Rush

Ógtheagmháil Ros Eó ardchaighdeán oideachais a spreagann meas, comhionannas agus éagsúlacht i measc daltaí agus foireann na scoile.

Youthreach Rush empowers students and staff by providing an excellent standard of education that promotes respect, equality and diversity.

Government Of Ireland Logos
The project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. Visit to learn more about European Funding. 

Programme Offered

Youthreach Rush Programmes

Rush Child Safeguarding

Rush Child Safeguarding Statement

Youthreach Rush on Youtube

Contact Details:

Co-ordinator: Christine Hughes

Address: Convent Lane, Rush, Co. Dublin, K56 K761

Tel: (01) 8439161


Social Media:

Twitter –   @YrRush

