ETB Ethos Logo
ETB Ethos Core Values
All ETB schools are State, Co-educational and Multi Denominational. ETB Ethos is underpinned by the core values of Excellence in Education, Care, Respect, Equality and Community.
Core Value: Care
In an ETB school, care is about the welfare, wellbeing, and safety of all members of the school community. It is exemplified in meaningful relationships, connectedness, and empathy, alongside support and solidarity.
Core Value: Community
In an ETB school, community encompasses students, staff, parents and the local community. It is about having shared vision, values and purpose, a sense of belonging, and a voice that is listened to. It is exemplified in productive collaboration, positive contributions, and effective communication across all members of the school community.
Core Value: Equality
In an ETB school, equality is about treating all members of the school community equally and recognising and celebrating the diversity of these members. It is exemplified in targeting resources on those who have need, and prioritising a culture of inclusion.
Core Value: Excellence in Education
The ETB school ethos establishes that excellence in education is underpinned by the core values of care, respect, community and equality.
Core Values: Multi-denominational
In an ETB school, multi-denominational is about welcoming and celebrating the full range of religions and beliefs in the school community. It is concerned with developing relationships that are respectful and appreciative of such difference, and interactions that embrace, celebrate, and explore such difference.
Core Value: Respect
In an ETB school, respect is about upholding the dignity, rights, and recognition of the identity and background of each member of the school community. It is exemplified in relationships between all members of the school community, and decision-making that impacts positively on the rights, feelings, and aspirations of the diversity of people within the school community.