New Youthreach Student Card
Introducing the NEW Youthreach Student Card in association with International Student Identity Card (ISIC). DDLETB is the first ETB to offer all our Youthreach students in our eleven centres an internationally recognised student card.
ISIC offers both virtual and plastic cards, allowing students around the world to instantly prove their official student status and access over 150,000 student discounts and offers worldwide.
The Youthreach programme is a Department of Education and Skills official education, training and work experience programme for early school leavers aged 16-20 and is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning. It promotes independence, personal autonomy, active citizenship and helps create a pattern of lifelong learning.
Students have opportunities to acquire certification through QQI accredited courses. Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Education & Training Board (DDLETB) operate eleven Youthreach centres where students receive an allowance each week depending on age, along with transport and meal allowances. The curriculum can differ from centre to centre, is varied (academic & non-academic) and focuses on the holistic development of the individual within a learning environment which is structured, challenging, student-centred and participant-led.
If you would like to know more about Youthreach check out DDLETBYouthreach social media or call into your nearest centre. You can find all the details on our website. Alternatively, you can check out the Further Education and Training Hub (FETCH) online.

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